You wish to help us prepare our yearly event?

You have a sizable board game collection? You own a few rare & interesting items? By adding them to our game lending library, you'd be helping us out, while also contributing to share the love for our common hobby.

You'd like to organize a game demo, a tournament, or some special activity during Ludo-Outaouais? Tell us your idea and we'll try to help you make it a reality.

Action-Quartiers Adam's Apple Games Amigo Games Ares Games L'As des Jeux Bézier Games Captain Games Calliope Games CustomGameBits Devir Games Doomlings Double Exposure Envoy Es-Tu Game? Boutique FDB Floodgate Games Foxmind Toys & Games Genius Games Gladius GoChuckle Grandpa Beck's Games Îlo Indie Game Studios JACK LABRADOR Games Left Justified Studio Ludik Québec Mighty Boards École Secondaire Mont-Bleu Multizone R&R Games Rio Grande Games Smirk & Dagger Steve Jackson Games Stonemaier Games Stronghold Games Thames & Kosmos The Op Games Ville de Gatineau Wattsalpoag Weird Giraffe Games